IoT Distance Measurement and Alert System with Adafruit IO Integration

The objective of this project is to make utilization of the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, Adafruit IO (The interface that connects a Raspberry Pi component to a Dashboard), and a buzzer. With the components, develop a script to measure the distances that the Ultrasonic sensor captures and utilize this to measure the distance, alert based on thresholds and display a real-time distance in the UI itself. Paper can be found here.

My first personal Website

Just a little bit less responsible and clunky, but it was the first thing I've done that I could see outside of my terminal. Here you can find and browse for a little bit with it.

TRU Companion Web Application

This website's theme was a tinder-like system where a person could meet another person to study together. Peer pressure even from a stranger can be helpful to support your studies and focus. This was made in PHP and held a log in/register system in it. For the source code you can check here


The app itself is basically a combination of existing ideas. The app first has a main activity where three buttons are located. Also it includes a background gradient of orangish, as well as a textView that will contain the text provided by the user that will be detected soon after. Once clicking on the first button “Capture”, the user’s camera is used. There, a user takes a picture of some text. Once that is done, the user then is brought to the first main API called Ucrop. Once done, click the checkmark and then go back to the main activity. After that, hit “Detect” to use the second main API called Text Recognition, where it processes the Image to Text. Lastly, you are able to copy that to your own clipboard. Source and further explanations can be seen here